For all of my "image receiving "life, I have greatly admired the work of Henri Cartier Bresson. Bresson coined the expression the "decisive moment," that creative fraction of a second when "your eye sees a composition or an expression that life itself offers you and knows with intuition when to click the camera."
Living a Visual Life
My images are often metaphors for the experiences of life- the moving inward to quiet, still and sometimes muddy places and the moving outward to beginnings, rootedness, hope and light.
Besides my work as a fine arts photographer, I am a licensed clinical social worker and educator. I founded "On the Borderline Project," a self-esteem building photography program for adolescent girls earning the North Star Award for outstanding contributions to the Northside Community of Madison Wisconsin. In 2008
I published "In Praise of Aging" with co-author, Gerda Lerner, pioneer in Women's History.
I have been published in The Wisconsin Poet's Calendar, The Chicago Field Museum Magazine, the University of Wisconsin Textile Magazine and the Wisconsin Academy Magazine. Exhibitions have included the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union, Edgewood College, DeRicci Gallery, the UW Hospital & Clinics Gallery, the Seippel Homestead & Center for the Arts, Beaver Dam, WI and yearly Artful Women Exhibitions.